About NeuroPrep
NeuroPrep is a website devoted to improving the test-taking skills and knowledge of residents and students in Neurology since 2008.

NeuroPrep has 3 main tracks at present, which caters to:

1) Certification and re-certification boards
2) Residents preparing for review examinations
3) Medical students preparing for their Neurology examinations

We have devised an online database which works in specific algorithms to help the users augment their knowledge and test-taking skills resulting in improved overall performance.

NeuroPrep for certification/ re-certification

The ABPN conducts certification boards for freshly minted Neurologists. Use NeuroPrep to effortlessly pass this first hurdle to join the ABPN-certified group. Previous users have found NeuroPrep "one of a kind" in preparing for the Neurology Boards.

The ABPN conducts re-certification boards for practicing physicians. Neurologists and Psychiatrists board certified after October 1, 1994, will be required to take and pass a recertification exam every 10 years to maintain board certification. This deci-annual exercise is expensive, frustrating and stressful for most physicians. NeuroPrep hopes to make you better equipped to ace this test with the minimum of effort. In 2000, the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Inc. (ABPN), announced that it would discontinue unproctored, take-home recertification examinations and begin administering proctored, secure examinations for its specialties and subspecialties, including child and adolescent psychiatry.

NeuroPrep for residents

NeuroPrep was born out of experiences with preparing for the Neurology review examinations. NeuroPrep is designed to help you in preparing for such exams. We have tried to model our questions in the general format of current Neurology exams with multiple responses, while giving it enough breadth so as to provide a comprehensive oversight of Neurology at the same time.
While preparing for the test, we realized that there is no freely available structured review series for such test preparation. There is presently no online source and very few reliable offline sources available for Neurology review exams.

The Residency In-Service Training Examination (RITETM) has been developed as a self-assessment instrument for trainees to track their knowledge acquisition during residency. The RITETM has also served as a guide for program directors who can follow yearly performance outcomes to define strengths and weaknesses in their educational curricula. Studies have shown that there is a significant positive correlation between residents' performance on the RITETM and performance on the ABPN Certification Exam for both adult and child neurologists

Goodman JC, et al. RITE performance predicts outcome on the ABPN Part I examination. Neurology 2002; 58:1144–1146.

Juul D, et al. Association between performance on Neurology In-Training and Certification Examinations Neurology 2013; 80:206–209

NeuroPrep for students 

We have also made questions for medical students to help prepare for various multiple choice question based tests in Neurology. Presently, there is no good source catering to this group. We have tried to strike a balance and present questions as they are relevant for the student appearing for the shelf examinations after a month of Neurology rotation. The choice of questions would also help in the USMLE step 2 preparations. We have attempted to choose a range of questions which would improve the overall knowledge of Neurology thus helping them take maximum benefit out of their Neurology elective and help in their future career.